This series is my first painting series that soley focused on malignant neoplasms. It comprises 10 watercolor paintings all sized 18 x 24 cm. 


Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma

With this series I wanted to shed a light on a basic concept in oncology & pathology – the fact that cancer has a lot of different faces. I plan to make this a recurring series and including more and more entities. 

Colorectal Adenocarcinoma

Nodular Lymphocyte-Predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma

Prostate Carcinoma, Perineural Invasion

I had planned to paint malignant neoplasms for about a year, but I needed to get more comortable with painting histology first – just like we are teached medschool. This series forced me again to think differently about my painting process to capture malignant changes accurately. 



Adenocarcinoma in situ of the Lung

I once read online that in pathology “there is beauty  for the eyes only” and I think that is a prefect way to explain why I painted this series. I am amazed by what I see and learn about these malagnancies and want to capture some of it. If you can relate to this special kind of beauty, I hope you enjoy looking at these paintings. 

Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Mamma Carcinoma

All original paintings are availble for sale, some of them as prints as well. Follow the link below to get to the shop. 

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